Samsung Colombia: How B2C brands can win CX challenges

By |2024-03-20T14:06:24+00:00March 20, 2024|

Samsung is a South Korean-headquartered global conglomerate, providing products ranging from engineering and construction services to semiconductors. It is perhaps best known for its consumer electronics division, which provides some of the world’s best-selling TVs, mobile devices, and digital appliances.

Transformation, Evolution, and Consolidation Key Factors for 2023 and Beyond

By |2024-03-18T19:16:16+00:00March 18, 2024|

Following a complex period, our sector is undergoing a phase of renewal and adaptation to new market needs, playing a leading role on a global level. At Konecta, we believe that the upcoming year will be marked by company consolidation, service transformation, leveraging digitization, and fostering talent. Through all of this, we will achieve a unique customer experience.

10 Best Customer Service Outsourcing Companies for 2024

By |2024-03-14T20:35:51+00:00March 14, 2024|

The decision to outsource customer support is one of the most difficult decisions for a company. There might be many reasons why outsourcing should even be on an agenda. Two of these are staffing issues (turnover) and training. The result of outsourcing customer care may be a huge success or a ruin of company’s name. This is why it is absolutely necessary to select a partner in outsourcing, which, at the same time will suit the specifics of your needs and maintain your customer service standards.

The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Outsourcing Costs

By |2024-03-14T20:26:58+00:00March 14, 2024|

Outsourcing has become a popular business strategy for companies looking to reduce costs and maximize efficiency. By outsourcing certain tasks and processes, businesses can take advantage of specialized expertise and lower labor costs. However, navigating the world of outsourcing can be complex and challenging.

Increasing Quality Assurance with Speech Analytics

By |2024-03-14T20:19:34+00:00March 14, 2024|

RDI partnered with a leading telecommunications provider whose review process for service activation calls was cumbersome. Though they had a sizeable team of analysts dedicated to quality assurance, their average handle time was 45 minutes; analysts were lucky to review two calls per hour—a small fraction of the total volume. The company came to RDI looking for a more efficient and lower-cost QA solution

Case Study Improving FCR & CSAT Rate

By |2024-03-13T07:12:37+00:00March 13, 2024|

A long-standing RDI partner in the healthcare industry experienced decreased customer satisfaction (CSAT), primarily caused by lower than expected first call resolution (FCR) scores. As call volume increased due to repeat calls, customers became frustrated with lingering issues, long wait times, and substandard service