5 Smart Strategies That Help Avoid Losing Loyal Customers

By |2024-02-23T01:41:59+00:00February 21, 2024|

You go through the onboarding process and get the client set up and settled in. You get excited about the upcoming opportunity. Maybe you share a round of high fives with your team or celebrate with a happy dance in the middle of the office. (What, no one else? Just us? Oh ok…) Then some time goes by, you go on with your daily activities, focus on getting more clients, and grow your business. Then one day you realize that that client you were so excited about is…well, no longer your client. Somehow, at some point, the customer stopped coming back to patronize your store or cancelled his or her subscription. You might even learn that that customer is now your competitor’s customer! On, no! What happened?! You feel like a dummy for losing the customer (and perhaps not even realizing it).

5 Ways to Build Personal Connections with Customers Virtually

By |2024-02-23T14:47:14+00:00February 17, 2024|

What matters most to online shoppers? According to a recent study by Google, it’s the lowest price and free shipping. This is where giant conglomerates like Wal-Mart and Amazon have everyone beat. So, does that mean smaller companies have little chance of winning customers?

How Being Passionfully Customer-Centric Leads To Greatness: Mason Bottle’s Customer Success Story

By |2024-02-23T14:45:18+00:00February 16, 2024|

Nothing is stronger and more true than a parent’s love for a child. As a parent, you strive to make sure your children receive the best medical care, deliberate over which schools they should go to and which foods they should eat. Wanting the best for your child becomes a passion.