Live chat effectiveness for Auto Dealerships

By |2024-02-22T19:19:36+00:00February 2, 2024|

The latest tactic that automobile dealerships are using to enhance sales and pull repeat clients is an up close and personal process of communicating via the dealerships site called chat. It may look like something from a science fiction film, but live chat is a fact and its making inroads to the automotive sales industry. By using the live chat applications, dealerships have the ability to generate heavier prospects, qualify customers and determine what the clients needs are before they see them in the dealership. While proven methods of lead generation are viable, its the idea of prospects that are really prepared to make a buy when they come in the dealership which has sales management groups chomping at the bit of having a system similar to this built in their website.

Tackle Car Buying Pain Points with Live Chat

By |2024-02-23T14:23:23+00:00January 31, 2024|

“The car-buying experience is infamously frustrating to American consumers and especially to millennials, who want to handle as much of the process as possible online,” says Dale Buss, an auto business expert. How can you make your auto dealership stand out as a pain-free place to buy a car?

Sales Helping a Telecommunications Giant realize ROI out of Promotions

By |2024-02-22T13:55:07+00:00January 30, 2024|

Artificial intelligence is part of every aspect in our lives – and contact centers are not far behind. This report is a glimpse on how artificial intelligence can be used to get valuable insights based on what your customers are saying. We build required categories, which gives us insights as an output. In this report we have captured insights from 5,160 calls that were loaded in June 2020.

Sales Techniques with Cross Selling Opportunities to Enhance Sales

By |2024-02-22T13:45:05+00:00January 30, 2024|

The above chart represents the frequency analysis of when “insurance” is mentioned on consumer sale calls. The X-axis representsthe total number of times “insurance” is said by the agent. (2) Noticed 5,038 calls where “insurance” was mentioned only once (1); where we also observed 59 calls where “insurance” was mentioned eleven (11) times or more (3)EI team performed frequency analysis using JSONs and compared results with benefits shared by agents on the calls

The History of CX

By |2024-02-23T14:16:36+00:00January 30, 2024|

The concept of Customer Experience didn’t suddenly appear out of thin air in the 1960s; it has deep roots in marketing theories, customer service, and various other fields. CX traces to the earliest days of trade, where interactions between buyers and sellers laid the foundation for understanding customer satisfaction. Its story intertwines with the evolution of business, adapting to technology, economics, and society. However, let's start at the very beginning.

How to Grow a Company Culture, Based on Wellbeing and Real Values

By |2024-02-23T14:14:35+00:00January 30, 2024|

The OpsTalent story began when two strangers, Gabriela Ziółkowska and Trevor Coyne, met on a blind date in London. Shortly thereafter they started a family, or even two, as their future company was to become their second family.

Busy Dental Practice Secures 30+ New Patients A Month With Around The Clock Support

By |2024-02-23T14:11:16+00:00January 30, 2024|

High demand and limited staff. Small businesses have faced this dilemma across the nation. Dental practices are no exception. During these fluid and challenging times, many practices have had to struggle to provide their patients with the same customer experience they received prior to the pandemic.

How to Deal With Conflict of Interest at Work – A Guide for Business Owners

By |2024-02-23T14:08:53+00:00January 30, 2024|

Conflicts of interest are not only an issue for large organizations, they can occur in a business of any size and at any level However, if these conflicts are managed properly, their effects can be largely mitigated.

The Power of Words 10 Ways To Develop Better Critical Thinking Habits

By |2024-03-04T21:27:09+00:00January 30, 2024|

To help you develop better critical thinking habits, we asked business leaders and coaches this question for their best insights. From having brainstorming sessions to learning to ask the right questions, there are several ways to develop habits that may improve your critical thinking skills.